

A collection of retrospectives that we use during HT18 course

View the Project on GitHub saltsthlm/retros

PLEASE NOTE This repository has move here We will keep these here for awhile before we remove them, but we don’t update these

Retrospective script - Proud and worries

The purpose of this, and every retrospective, is to help us to improve by coming up with a few concrete improvement actions that we can complete / test / do until the next retrospective. Small, concrete actions are preferred before large lofty goals that we don’t reach anytime soon. There will be another retrospective in a few weeks.

This particular retrospective is small and simple but makes a nice distinction between two topics that often gets confused and entangled: technology and process. The technology is the thing we build and the tools we use etc. The process refers how we work together and HOW we are using the tools we have. Very often we focus on the one and not the other. Or mix them up.

This retrospective takes about 45 minutes. You need a whiteboard/big paper and some post-its.


Review (5 min)

Generate data (10 min)

Gather insights (20 min)

Close retrospective (2 min)